Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mutiara Kata

Love comes along with responsibility. Cinta sahaja bukan jaminan untuk sampai ke alam perkahwinan kalau dari awal tiada kejujuran. Bila hati dipenuhi cinta kepada manusia, maka tiada lagi ruang untuk cinta kepada Tuhan di hati kita. Serahkan dulu hati kita kepada Allah, Allah akan dorongkan hati kita kepada orang yang Dia perkenan bila sampai masa yang tepat.

Islam agama yang sempurna tetapi penganutnya tidak. Biarpun begitu, berusaha bersungguh-sungguh mencari kesempurnaan adalah kewajipan penganutnya.

Islam kalau tidak diamalkan dan dijadikan cara hidup, sekalipun kita ini lahir sebagai seorang Muslim, kita takkan jumpa bahagia yang sebenar. Bukan salah Islam, tapi salah kita yang tidak betul-betul mengamalkannya.

Kita sebagai seorang hamba Allah, perlu ada masa untuk diri sendiri, ada masa untuk Allah dan juga masa untuk orang sekeliling kita. :)

Masa dari aspek bermuhasabah dengan diri sendiri, berusaha untuk menjadi seorang ahli ibadah dan pada masa yang sama menyeru orang ramai/sekeliling kita ke arah kebaikan. In short, that is Dakwah & Tarbiah. :D

Terima kasih kepada Zulaihah Karim, penulis buku 'Best Friend Forever, Yongwonhan Chingu'. Alhamdulillah, banyak mutiara kata yang dapat dikutip dan dikongsikan kepada orang sekeliling.

That is why I love to read. Jiwa rasa puas dan terisi dengan ilmu yang bermanfaat insyaAllah. Moga diberikan kekuatan juga untuk beramal dengan ilmu yang diimani. Doakan yang terbaik buat diri yang lemah ini. T_T
Rasa banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari terutamanya tentang pengetahuan dalam agama Islam ni sendiri.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Self Reminder

Remember no matter how dark the world gets, be like the star that stands out and shines the way for others to see - Quoted.

For every laugh, there should be a tear - Walt Disney motto.

People may not remember what you did for them or even what you said but they will always remember how you made them feel - Maya Angelou.

Emotions are impulses to action, instant plans for handling life that evolution has installed in us. 

Oh, I like this part the most : EQ gets you through life while IQ gets you through school. 

These are all lessons shared by Dr. Harlina after we watched the movie Inside Out. 
Inside Out, which showed us different types of emotions with different roles. There are both positive and negative emotions. You know what is the best part? We cannot have one type of emotion only in our life. We need both positive and negative emotions to balance our yin & yang. Sometimes we learn the lessons in life through the hard way and some might learn it through the easy and happy way. All of us are unique in our different ways so stop comparing ourselves with others because Allah knows us best and He knows what will make us strong. Just stop complaining and pray to Him to give us strength to go with what He planned for us. Pray, so that He will give the best thing for us in our life and also the best people around us that will build our character and attitude in a positive way.

You are like the diamond in the rough, every cut or break only reveals more of the beauty. ^^,

p/s : sejak kebelakangan ni, kerap sangat sakit kepala & tulang belakang. Adakah kesan drpd jatuh tahun lps? Tapi, tak mungkin kan? Haha..abaikan. =.='

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Kasih Sayang Allah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,

Dah banyak kali tersentuh dan terharu dengan kasih sayang Allah terhadap diri yang lemah lagi hina ni. Di saat rasa tiada cahaya & harapan untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah ataupun menghadapi kesulitan yang tiada jalan keluar, Allah yang Maha Besar, Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang ni akan menghantarkan bantuan daripada arah yang tidak disangka-sangka. Allah is really sweet if and only if we realize and be grateful of what we have till now...right? But are we a good servant towards Him? 

Bersangka baiklah kepada Allah kerana Allah menurut sangkaan kita terhadapNya.

*tengah usaha sehabis baik untuk update semula, usaha untuk perbaiki tulisan baik dalam bahasa melayu & bahasa Inggeris :P  Doakan moga diberikan kelapangan masa untuk berkongsi tentang perkara yang dapat memberikan manfaat kepada orang lain insyaAllah. :) *

Saturday, May 24, 2014

This Worldly Life

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,

Alhamdulillah, its been more than a month I guess for not updating here. I thought I haven't updated my blog for 6 months!! haha. I am sorry again for not being able to keep up with my promise to at least share 1 topic per month but insyaAllah I'll work hard to be better in the future. :D

During those times when I couldn't get the chance to write here, I was actually 'busy' again, learning about this worldly life, how people here specially the Muslims survive in a place where the western culture stands out more than our own principle as Allah's creation. I had also mixed around with the elders a lot because the experiences that we get from them are priceless. We'll learn a lot from them including the wisdom that they have in leading their life. This is part of understanding about this life and how to not to deviate from the right path. I had learn a lot during that period, hence, I decided to share some of the wisdom thoughts and advises with you here and I really hope that it will be beneficial for all of us insyaAllah.

Verily, every single Muslims are very special because they have their own connection with Allah. Each of them have their own way to have a special communication with Him.

Never do injustice to yourself by saying that you cannot do it, Allah has never tested a person except with the knowledge that he or she can overcome it. Allah will test those whom HE LOVES.
-inspired by Sheikh Sajid Umar

It's so true that this world is like a jail to the Muslims. It's due to a lot of temptations that we have to resist and lots of things that we should avoid. Although the things that we do is beneficial for us(obliged to Allah s.w.t), but why we want to go astray? It's due to the temptation of our nafs and the devil that we should strongly resist! Trust me, its for our own good. May Allah will always give us strength to survive the hardships here in the dunya, may He grant us Jannah in the hereafter and may we will always be under His protection and His blessings insyaAllah.
I would like to end this post today with two lines of lyrics from Maher Zain's 'Worldly life' song for us to contemplate back of our life; about how we manage them, did we use the time wisely or the other way round...
"...this worldly life has an end,
and then real life begins,..."
Are we a good Muslim yet?